On the second day of filming we had been told that we'd broken the 180 degree rule, this was a shock to us because we hadn't realised, so we filmed the scene again making sure to avoid breaking the 180 degree rule. This went well so we moved on to film outside in the street, it was cold and windy which could've been a problem for us as the character Jodie takes stuff out of her bag in the search for something and we were worried that her things might blow away. However when we started filming we found that the wind was an advantage for us, this is because it added a lonely kind of effect to Jodie as she broke down in tears and her hair blew in the wind.
This is me applying the paint in little brush strokes to look like scratches for Jodie's arm. Once we started filming I also started to scratch my arm which made it go slightly red, this helped us because it shows the audience that Jodie was very distressed and scratches her arms to relieve some of the stress she was under.
This is my arm once I'd finished applying the paint to it, the red paint made the scratches for Jodie's arm look more realistic which was good because we didn't want them to look fake and I didn't want to actually cut my arm.
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